Transportation Agency for Monterey County
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) is a state-designated public agency with regional transportation planning responsibilities, including rail planning, that cross city-county boundaries. TAMC’s Regional Transportation Vulnerability Assessment (RTVA) evaluates transportation corridors in northern Monterey County and identifies transportation infrastructure in the coastal areas of the county that are at risk of sea level rise, coastal flooding, erosion, groundwater rise and other climate change impacts.
The northern region of Monterey County has critical transportation assets and infrastructure that are essential for local and regional connectivity, including Highway 1. It is also home to several natural habitats and open spaces, such as Elkhorn Slough and the Moss Landing Wildlife Area. Communities in northern Monterey County range from tourist towns to agricultural and small community towns. All of which are vulnerable to sea level rise, coastal erosion, extreme precipitation, riverine flooding, and more.
Pathways, as prime, is leading the RTVA with support from Cambridge Systematics and Environmental Science Associates (ESA). This project includes conducting an existing conditions review; an exposure and vulnerability assessment of transportation, community, and critical assets, and sensitive habitats; an analysis of impacts to low income and disadvantaged communities; developing an evaluation framework with relevant criteria and metrics to evaluate a project prioritization list with information on adaptation strategies; forming two stakeholder groups for broader engagement; building a website via PublicInput to post project updates and key milestones; and summarizing all findings in a final report to be released publicly.
Pathways along with TAMC are also engaging with stakeholders and community partners throughout the course of the project. Together, the Technical Advisory Committee, made up of city, county, and regional staff, and the Focus Group, made up of local community-based organizations and community representatives, will inform the project at key milestones.