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Shoreline Protection Program


San Francisco International Airport

Pathways Climate Institute is part of the COWI-TERRA Joint Venture working with the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) to protect the SFO’s assets and operations from flooding during a 1-percent-annual-chance coastal storm and future sea level rise. Pathways is providing subject matter expertise related to climate change and flood hazards, including sea level rise, rising groundwater levels, and future extreme precipitation. Dr. Kris May is also coordinating with other subject matter experts, SFO, and FEMA to ensure compliance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This three-year project will help protect SFO and allow for uninterrupted operations. As the seventh busiest airport in the United States, with nearly 58 million guests travelling through the airport each year, SFO is an important regional transportation hub for the San Francisco Bay Area.


Pathways Climate Institute is a woman-owned research-based consulting firm focused on better understanding how coastal hazards, precipitation, and groundwater are changing in response to climate change. We work with cities, counties, and local governments to help them create pathways to resilience through adaptation, policies, and capacity building. Our team works at a national level on state-of-the art science and climate change governance to help our clients stay informed and help them make wise decisions when faced with an uncertain future.



T: 510-289-5705


650 California Street, FL6

San Francisco, CA 94108


Certified disadvantaged woman-owned small business.
San Francisco LBE(Micro) WBE ID CMD07211000015

California UCP DBE ID 45249

California DGS SB(Micro) ID 2005392

California PUC WBE ID 17000473

Federal US Government (SAM) DBE, WBE

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