Resilience by Design Challenge
Rather than wait for a natural disaster, the San Francisco Bay Area proactively reimagined a better future by creating blueprints for resilience that harness Bay Area innovation and serve as a model for communities around the world. Pathways Climate Institute was proud to be a member of the All Bay Collective (ABC): a diverse group of locally based/globally experienced professionals, academics, students, and policy makers.
Led by AECOM, we fused science, design excellence, academic leadership, community outreach, and business innovation to develop near-term actions and a long-range vision for the communities around the San Leandro Bay (e.g., east Oakland, Alameda, and San Leandro). Pathways worked with UC Berkeley to develop new groundwater mapping that incorporated sea level rise to uncover new vulnerabilities that would affect the communities as well as potential adaptation options. This collaboration has spawned ground breaking research that continues today.